Thursday, June 26, 2008

Work is Done

Hello Friends and Family. The work is done for this week. It finished with pouring a roof this morning and some other tasks in the afternoon. Everybody seems to be in good spirits and health. Pray for the hearts of the kids. They seem to be thinking through a lot of things and challenging their previous ideas about things. It's exactly what we wanted, but I think it's painful sometimes for them.
Here is a reflection after Wednesday night from two of our students.

Hola Amigos!
In case you didn’t know, that means hello friends! We know that because we have been here for a total of three hot Mexican days. It has been so awesome trying out our limited espanol on the ninos who are very energetic. They love to use our cameras to take crazy pictures. We are also exhausted because they love endless piggy back rides and helicopter spinning.
Along with playing with the ninos, we have been working very hard. And with our trip coming to a close, today was no exception. This morning, Allison and I were shanghaied into the ring-forming group, so that we can pour cement and form a roof. After lunch, most of the group poured cement for the foundation for two new houses. It felt great working alongside our American and Mexican brothers and sisters in Christ. Today was a very successful day because we decided to pour another foundation after our usual end time, in a record time of 40 minutes! We feel so proud of each other because we strengthened as a team.
Still, the day was not over. Peyton was and amazing hotdog bun filler with the rest of her prayer group who prepared a fantastic dinner. After the delicioso dinner, we had group time, where Jock Murray portrayed his speech skills and taught us all about how to make the most of our lives. He read excerpts from a book called Don’t Waste Your Life by John Piper. Following this, we broke into small groups and had deep, thought provoking and in some cases spirited discussions about our thoughts. Some groups met for over one hour.
All in all, it has been a very wonderful day.

In His name,
Peyton Murray and Allison Cook

We leave here tomorrow to explore Reynosa and the Market. Packing and cleaning is always the most painful process!

1 comment:

Frog Legs said...

Phil 1:6 - "he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." I'm sure it's tough to leave your new amigos and return to the real world, but it's pretty cool to think that whatever God accomplished in your heart this week is only the beginning. He won't stop until he's finished.

Sounds like you guys have been getting it done. Can't wait to hear all about it!!