Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Now Back to You Guys in Jamaica...

Well, after a great day of work on Monday we headed back to Cloisters for a great meal and our Group Time. We shared about the day, how we had seen God at work, and Raff (Stephen Rafferty) led us in some great worship. Megan Petcavich shared from a book she has been reading challenging us to live out our faith in our actions, all of the time. Sass helped us look at some scripture in James which echoed Megan's challenge. It was a great night. After a good night's sleep, we're off to work again. Reverend Benguche's house and the Street house are progressing along. We'll start pouring the roof of the church fellowship hall this afternoon. God is god, and working in Jamaica!

1 comment:

The Hinchy Adventures... said...

I don't know many of you, or should I say any of you, but just wanted to say hello and let you know that i'll be praying for you. I once was there and remember all the love, sweat, devotion that goes into your trip. Keep focused, listen to your leaders, work hard, pray, and love on everyone! God is doing wonders through each one of you! I commend you all for taking that leap of faith to serve God in this fashion. Please send my best to the Street family. What up Sass, What up Raff, What up other leaders that I may know! God is good... In His peace, Love Hinchy