Monday, June 30, 2008

We are here and doing fantastic

Sorry that it is Monday night before the first update. We are just having too much fun to rip myself away for too long. And internet access is limited.
The trip down went fine. All flight were delayed at least a little by either bad weather or missing gyros! But we got everybody here eventually.
Today was a great first day of work. One Group even got all 10 rows of block done today which is as far as they would have been able to do. That certainly does not happen often.
Tonight for our 2nd group time David Starbuck shared "Surely we can change how we Serve". It was very challenging and also really cool to see "Bucky" with a new role.
Tomorrow morning we are pouring a huge roof but this group is ready because of the roof they poured last year.
Look forward to another update early tomorrow. And please be praying for the roof pour and that the students would realize that "surely they can change".

Good Night,

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