Thursday, June 12, 2008

We're Away! (at least I am)

It's official. Our summer mission trips have begun, at least for me. I touched down in Montego Bay, Jamaica this afternoon and headed east towards Saint Ann's Bay to finish our final preparations for the week to come. I went straight to the Street's house and spent some time with Grandma, David, and Leroy finalizing our plans for the work to be done on their house this week. They are so excited for the group to come and get started. I then made it to Cloisters and goofed off with Barbara, Des, and Granny P. Tomorrow I'll meet with Rev. Benguche to finalize our other work and Saturday my friends will arrive. I can't wait to see all of you. If you see them, give my family a big ole hug for me. It's going to be a great week in Jamaica. Brooklyn .... ??? Anyone???


1 comment:

Kerry said...

OMGosh SASS i'm so excited to get to Jamaica...thanks for going ahead of us and getting things ready. Here come the seniors! :) kerry