Sunday, June 15, 2008

Sunday in Jamaica

Well, we all made here safe to Jamaica, and so far, what an experience it has been! Upon leaving the airport in MOntego Bay Sass took us to the first of many surprises to come. We all had a scrumptious lunch at the Margaritaville while relaxing with each other in the Caribbean Sea. After having a great time there we traveled to where we will be staying for the week in St Ann’s Bay: The Cloisters Methodist Center. Already we have been establishing new relationships with the Jamaicans, especially those who help make the Cloisters function. Not only have we been enjoying the company there, but we have also created new connections with the people we have met at the three different church services we attended this morning. The amiability and simple ease to smile further encourages our mission here. We are excited about the opportunities yet to present themselves! Along with the work ahead of us, we hope to fully witness to the people we meet. Thanks for all of the prayers!

David Munoz

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