Monday, June 23, 2008

We're here and great...

We arrived fine into Mexico on Sunday afternoon after a about 24 hours in McAllen, TX hanging out.
The work is progressing and the kids seem to be adjusting well.
One of the coolest things, especially for any old-schoolers out there, is that we are building a house for a kid named Felipe that many of our past students and leaders have fallen in love with. He's 15 now and he'll be living there with his father and two older sisters. His mom passed away a few years ago and he's been living part of the time in Roma, TX.

Here is a reflection on Sunday night from 2 students. I promise we'll have some pictures tomorrow. I'm just late for group time right now!

Arriving at the airport at 4:15 in the morning to get on a plane full of screaming babies, the big guy who takes up more than half the row, and the talker who wants to tell you their life story just to get to Dallas, Texas. And that was only the first flight. But that doesn’t even compare to what the Mexicans have to deal with on a daily basis. Coming into Mexico, we went from asphalt roads and big cities to dirt roads and small towns. The border is so close that when you stand on the roof of the church complex you can see signs and houses we passed while in Texas. So close yet so far away.
As Americans, we tend to take things for granted. When we’re hungry we can walk to the cabinet anytime and choose from a plethora of food on top of three meals a day. In Mexico, you are lucky to even get those three meals.
But that is not what we’re here to talk about. We are here to talk about how God is already starting to work in us. On this trip we hope to encounter a closer relationship to God and to become true Christians. Tonight we talked about the parable of the good Samaritan. We learned that we should love our neighbors as ourselves. Also, we discussed how we need to acquire more than just a ticket to heaven; not just to accept God as our savior, but to strive to become more like him.
A good thing to keep in mind is the golden rule: treat others the way you want to be treated!

Allie Pithers and Chelsea Buckingham! ☺


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