Friday, June 20, 2008

Let the Fiesta Begin...

Tomorrow morning the first flight leaves for Mexico at 6am, that's right, gotta be at the airport at 4:15am. Terrible! Who makes these plans anyways? Oh, I do, whoops!
Please begin praying for all the adventures over the next 2 weeks of the Rising Juniors and then Seniors.

For parents of those kids, I believe I failed to leave my cell phone number on your final details letter in case you have an emergency. That number is 919-302-6345. Your kids can call you when they get there to tell you that they got there okay, but they are going to stop using their cell phones at that point, so don't call them!! :) We'll take good care of them, don't worry!


1 comment:

Lori said...

Thanks to you and the leaders caring for our teens in Mexico. I look forward to seeing pictures and hearing of how they are seeing God and being touched by those around them. Prayers for all, Lori