Friday, June 20, 2008

Brooklyn 2008- Friday

It was another exciting day in Brooklyn, New York! We woke up bright and early yesterday, knowing we had a long day ahead of us. Like every other day, our groups went to different places such as the soup kitchen, Coney Island, and just down the street to Grace Baptist Church. After spending hours at each place getting a lot of work done, we quickly rushed back to the church and got ready to spend the night in "The Big Apple." With only minutes to get ready, all of us were pumped to "shop till we drop" and get some food in our tummies! The church had surprised us by planning a dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe. We all had a great time listening to the oldies music and enjoying our meals! It was really neat to see all the famous singers guitars and outfits displayed around the restaurant. After that it was off to explore the city, making the M&M and the Hershey store number one on our lists. It was awesome just walking around town at night and seeing all the beautiful lights light up the city. At about ten, it was time to end the fun for the night. We still had an hour subway ride coming and everyone was exhausted! Even though the trip is coming to an end, we can both see a difference in the growth of everyones faith since the beginning of the trip. God has been working through each of us in many different ways. We are thankful for all the people we met and worked with here in Brooklyn. We are excited to come home and see our families, but we will truly miss the crazy city and everything we have experienced. -Caroline Kohls and Shannon Kelly

1 comment:

Casey and Sarah said...

Great writing you two! Shannon loves to work with a partner! Sad that I missed the end of the trip with you all! Pray for Mexico.