Monday, June 22, 2009

How from the Res...

The Navajo trip is back home. We have two more posts for you, but they will be delayed as I accidentally left my computer at the Reservation! Whoops! Those two updates are for Thursday and Friday and I really want you to be able to read them.
Saturday we had a great visit to the Grand Canyon. It's such a majestic place. I think for almost every student it was their first time there. We made the leaving process a little interesting by getting to Phoenix a little late and my insistance that we have dinner at In & Out. With road closures and time getting close we dropped off the vans with all the kids in them and put all the kids and the luggage on the shuttle. The AirTran group quickly checked in, rushed through security, almost didn't get Grey through, and then got on the plane with no moments to spare. It was a little more stressful than it needed to be!
But everybody got home safely and are hopefully sharing the many stories of the things that God taught us and showed us.

Praying for our friends in Jamaica,

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