Thursday, June 25, 2009

Hospital Day

So our usual morning routine was interrupted as Sarah, Eryn, and us got up at seven to get ready to go to the Ochos Rios Hospital! Bucky had met a missionary doctor at church who offered anyone going in to the medical field to come check out what they were doing at the hospital. We drove up to long lines of anxious Jamaicans awaiting their eye surgery, and as soon as Dr. Evans and his team arrived we jumped in to it. Decked out in scrubs we looked like legit medical professionals. We went to surgery first and helped a few patients get dressed and prepped for cataract surgery. We waltzed in to the O.R. and watched with amazement from only a few feet away; we even got to look in to the microscope! After the surgery we talked with the doctors about our own futures and got some pointers. We caught the beginning of a hysterectomy and then went down to the eye clinic to switch out with Eryn and Sarah. Right when we got there, we learned how to check in the patients, and began to give eye exams. After, we walked into the exam room and looked through more microscopes at patients’ scarred eyes. One of the Jamaican doctors we had met earlier promised that we could watch a c-section, so we put our scrubs back on and went back up to the O.R. It was one of the most memorable experiences we have ever had. Unsure of how the day could get much better, we headed back to Hooleberry while Sarah stayed to catch any more action. The group finished our cement pouring early, and the leaders informed us of a surprise adventure. We wound up at an amazing waterfall and played in the falls and surrounding waters. Some people climbed to the top of the falls, and some of the boys swam out to a sand bar trying to avoid the coral underneath them. Finally we returned to Cloisters and headed for another amazing meal. Although we miss the normal water pressure, air conditioning, and bug free beds, it’s crazy to think the week is coming to an end. We will definitely miss all the new friendships, inspirational barking (“Where ma dogs at?!” –Colby), and even picking the cement out of our hard worked scars. However, the trip is not over yet, and we’re definitely ready to make the most of our last day.
Love always,
Mackenzie and Stefanie

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