Monday, June 22, 2009

Heyyy mon!

June 21, 2009

What a beautiful and blessed day it has been! We got up this morning and went to the church service at Hoolebury and received a warm welcome from all the wonderful members of the Hoolebury church. The people here are so lively and fun to be around, they are also good at the drums which was personally my favorite part of the music at the church service. It may have been 95 degrees inside the church, but it didn’t get in the way of our fun one bit. It was a full house! After church we came back to The Cloisters for a delicious brunch the women had prepared for us. Pancakes, bacon, fresh pineapple…it was awesome! With full stomachs we loaded up in the vans, not knowing where we were headed (they only told us to put on our swimsuits). The place we arrived at was the closest to my idea of Heaven that me, and probably everyone else, had ever seen. A beautiful house with an enormous pool in the backyard that went right on to the beach. (Mom – I took lots of pictures for you). We spent the entire afternoon swimming in the pool, cutting open coconuts and drinking from them with straws (not as good as it looks in the movies), and playing in the crystal clear ocean. I think Pat and Colby even tried to swim to Cuba – we didn’t tell him he was on the wrong side of Jamaica. After all that fun in the sun we came back to take showers and eat yet another amazing meal, and then headed to a concert that Hoolebury put on for everyone. It was SO MUCH FUN! The Jamaicans truly know how to have a good time worshiping. We danced and sang and clapped our hands all night long as different people came up to sing. Me, Kenz and Bullard got to try some homemade ice cream, which was the cherry on top of this super fun night. Now we’re back at Cloisters, peaceful for the most part until a moth the size of our hand or an unidentified green thing that looks like a mutated cricket lands on someones head. Personally, after waking up with my pillow case filled with ants on the first morning, the giant moths and “crickets” are the least of my worries. All in all we’re having a blast and OF COURSE wearing lots of sunscreen. Sorry Mrs. Greene – Colby didn’t exactly follow that rule! Miss you all & much love mon!
- Molly & Bullard


bullard said...

Thanks for the updates, keep them coming. So glad you are all having a good time. Stay safe and beware of the moths. The Bullards

P.S. We miss you Christopher

grandma pat said...

Hey, Christopher. Glad to see you are having a great time.
It is fun to be able to read the blogs each day. Stay safe.
I miss you.
Grandma Pat