Monday, June 22, 2009

Hey from Jamaica!

June 20, 2009

After a long day of traveling Friday we finally made it ☺! We woke up this morning to beautiful Jamaica weather and a gorgeous view. We started of the day with a delicious breakfast made by some of the sweetest ladies. Then we were off to the Hoolebury church to start our projects. There were four groups that each completed different tasks. Some groups built bleachers from scratch, some did rebar, some poured columns, some laid down tile and others poured a cement basketball court. Each group got a lot of work done and had a lot of fun. We came back after a long day of work and had the most delicious spaghetti we have ever tasted! We all got to chill and enjoy the weather and the amazing view ☺! We are all having a bunch of fun and cannot wait for the church service and the beach tomorrow! Ps Jessica says she’s alive and love you mom ha ha. We have gotten used to the other side of the road driving and moths.

Much love
Chelsea, Katie, Emily and Grace

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