This is the final update of Senior Mexico 2008. Don't go away totally, though. We will continue to post some messages about important events and messages in the future. Thanks for following along this summer. This is the update from the final night.
This morning was unusual in Mexico. For the first time in many years we were allowed to sleep on the roof, however around 6 a.m. everyone is sound asleep when it begins to POOR rain. Of course you can imagine what 50 plus people do while sleeping on a roof when it begins to rain. Then the day sort of begins people wake up scattered around the complex. We wake up, have breakfast, and begin to share our stories on how we got off the roof during the middle of a downpour.
After breakfast, everyone began their quit-times and packed up to head out. After quit-times and the vans were packed we headed back to Texas. As my van (Bullard) went through the border the officer there asked me, “What are you bringing back from Mexico?” Very instinctively I answered, “Full Hearts!” It’s a great description of how we all feel at the end of an amazing week. We have full hearts for each other, the Mexican people, and most importantly God.
We dropped the luggage off at the Church, and headed to lunch. Then again another strange thing happens. My van of course leaves before the rest and (Michele) decides to get lost. After driving for about 30 miles we get the idea to call for help. Although to find out after receiving help, Casey had told us to move the total opposite way away from the Chic-Fil-a. After all is said and done, we make it to Chic-Fil-a and then head for the Market. Once we got to the Market we split up and shopped for about an hour and a half. After we met back up around 5:45 we leave for dinner at Wallbangers (Real nice choice, I must say).
After dinner was over the vans went back to the church where we played a massive game of knockout (Casey lost at the end to Alex Reese). Group time followed where we sent out thank you notes for Sponser-A-Youth and signed up for Crew Ministries for next year. Now everyone has been doing the same thing for about 4 hours straight. We are playing basketball, cars, spinning in circles, still playing basketball, and not sleeping. It’s now really late and the early flight will be getting ready soon. Yeah so, that was our day. Everyone says goodnight.
DAN TYSOR AND CHRIS BULLARD and Suzanne Kirkland (sort-of)
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